American comedy-drama film directed by Stu Zicherman, based on a script by Zicherman and Ben Karlin, and starring Adam Scott, Amy Poehler, Jessica Alba and Jane Lynch. The name of the film is an abbreviation for Adult Children of Divorce.[3]
Teddy Schwarzman is producing the film through his Black Bear Pictures production company.[4] Other stars include Richard Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Catherine O'Hara, with Ken Howard and Clark Duke in supporting roles.[4]
The film was released in the U.S. on October 4, 2013.
Opened October 4, 2013 1 hr 27 min R | Language and Brief Sexual Content Parents: Common Sense Media says OK for kids 16+. More on child suitability A.C.O.D. follows Carter (Adam Scott), a seemingly well-adjusted Adult Child of Divorce. Having survived the madness of his parents’ (Richard Jenkins and Catherine O’Hara) divorce, Carter now has a successful career and supportive girlfriend (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). But when his younger brother (Clark Duke) gets engaged, Carter is forced to reunite his bitterly divorced parents and their new spouses (Amy Poehler and Ken Howard) for the wedding, causing the chaos of his childhood to return including his wacky therapist (Jane Lynch). Full synopsisCast: Adam Scott, Richard Jenkins, Jane Lynch, Catherine O'Hara, Amy Poehler
Director: Stuart Zicherman
Genres: Comedy
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